Diaspora Opinions on 2030
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- Written by: Various writers
- Hits: 224
UPDATE 14th February 2025
A few of the activists in the UK from ROHR, ZHRO, CCC, ZAPU and others are letting their views be known to the wider community. #NoED2030 is creating havoc within the active Diaspora. This is the first 3 that we will publish, we expect more will want their voices heard. In addition these comments will be repeated within the petition we will present to the UK PM and FCDO on 20th February 2025 at 14:00 Please support us. See other articles HERE and HERE plus our article on Mismanagement HERE
14th February 2025: Today, Valentines Day we learn that Ms Shamiso Moyo has been put into detention - as of last night. We are in communication by text/e-mail with her daughter, with onward delivery of the ZHRO support document to her Lawyers. We wish her luck with this and her 64th birthday in June this year. Her thoughts have been added below from a communication we received on 1st Feb 2025 - which were going to go into our Petition on the 20th February 2025 - on which Shamiso has been "approved" by the Police Diplomatic Unit!
ZANU-PF scheming
Zanupf believe that they are wiser than all Zimbabweans; They are the greatest scammers in Zimbabwe.
In 1985 they butchered the Ndebeles during the Gukurahundi era in Midlands and Matabeleland and blamed it on Nkomo; which was a lie orchestrated by ED Mnangagwa. In 2000 zanupf butchered the white farmers ruthlessly and blamed it on land reform only for them to grab productive farms and loot billions worth of property and livestock. In 2013 when Mugabe lost the election ED turned the will of the people down and forced Mugabe back into office to protect their loot. In 2017 when they realised that Mugabe was old and weak they mobilised the whole country and the army to overthrow Mugabe through a coup de tat. All this was ED’s plan and instruction From 2017 Zimbabwe’s economy has continued to nose dive while the zanupf top brace have continued looting unabated. Rule of law is non existent.
Nepotism is the order of the day; Human rights have been abandoned; The police, the army and the judiciary have become partisan; Recruitment for these arms of government have all become partisan; Freedom of speech has been removed; Opposition is not allowed to gather; Abductions and murder of those speaking truth to power have increased; Zimbabwe under Mnangagwa is a banana republic; Zimbabwe is now a Mnangagwa dynasty!
The infights within zanupf is just disguise to confuse the public zanupf wants to remain in power to protect their loot. The 2030 agenda has to be resisted with every force. Zanupf must go in total
Written by Shamiso Moyo {1st February 2025}
No to 2030
With the ongoing madness of the "2030 anenge achipo" mantra which has taken more time which was supposed to be used on how to develop the country they have ruined for more than 44 years. This has seen youths being reduced to baggers of the so called "mbingas" who have been divulging in their future.
The looters have been on the forefront of forcing the incompetent Mnangagwa to remain on power as they want to extend their already overstretched hands in the financial coffers, leading to the financial Ministry relying on drip situation, having to pay Civil Servants with money being collected from the toll gates, instead of that money doing its intended jobs of rebuilding the roads.
The situation is dire to the extent of people having blackouts for more than 18 hours a day, no clean water, no paracetamol in the hospitals and this has resulted in people having to rely on the old age methods of traditional medicine.
With all this that has been happening l stand in solidarity with everyone out there who is against this unconstitutional move which is about to be made at the ‘expense’ of Zimbabwean. This has always been the way of the regime manipulating the constitution into fake referendums with the fake ZEC and this has made Zimbabwe ‘bleed’ for years, it’s time to make the wrongs right.
#NO TO 2030 Written by Greatman Makipa
A Democratic Illusion
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- Written by: John C Burke
- Hits: 97
What chance have Human Rights got when Democracy in Zimbabwe is merely a "Calculated Façade" - Masquerading as a Democracy is the main issue. Taken from the article on ZHRO.Org.uk on 15th January 2025
Do the Zimbabwe government display democratic attributes?
GROK (X/Twitter version of AI - {Artificial Intelligence} and Human Research
The question of whether the Zimbabwean government displays democratic attributes is complex and multifaceted, given the country's political history and current governance practices. Here are some key points to consider:
Elections: Zimbabwe holds regular elections, which is a fundamental aspect of democracy. However, these elections have often been criticized for lacking fairness and transparency. Allegations of vote rigging, intimidation, and violence have marred several elections, including those in 2008 and 2018. The 2023 elections were similarly criticized for irregularities and intimidation, reflecting ongoing issues with the democratic process.
Judicial Independence: The judiciary's independence is crucial for democracy, but in Zimbabwe, there have been reports of judicial interference by the executive. Judges have been pressured to make rulings favourable to the government, undermining the separation of powers. The appointment process of judges has also been questioned for its lack of transparency and independence from executive influence.
ISS AFRICA - regarding Zimbabwe
Media Freedom: Freedom of the press is another cornerstone of democracy, yet in Zimbabwe, media freedom has been severely restricted. The government has historically used laws to control media narratives, close independent newspapers, and intimidate journalists, leading to self-censorship and a lack of diverse media voices.
Civil Liberties: The government's record on civil liberties is poor, with reports of human rights abuses, suppression of political opposition, and the use of state security forces to quell dissent. The 2022 Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) Amendment Bill further restricts civil society's ability to operate freely, particularly on issues deemed "political."
Unhappy 37th Anniversary
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- Written by: Tendai Christian Mapfumo, Dickson Chikwizo and others
- Hits: 568
It was a "UNITY ACCORD" - because Mugabe had forced the One-Party-State, dissolved ZAPU and {claimed} to have suspended the Gukurahundi Genocide! The day democracy was 'killed-off' in Zimbabwe.
No, it is NOT a happy anniversary.
The Unity Accord was anything but UNITY - it was an ultimatum with a gun to the head of Joshua Nkomo - a key Independence supporter and supposedly an ally.
The Gukurahundi Genocide of 1983 to 1987 in Zimbabwe began with a desire and also a design by Robert Mugabe and his ZANU PF political party for one-party state rule and life presidency. For all that to be achieved Joshua Nkomo and ZAPU had to be eliminated.
“ Nkomo and his guerrillas are germs in the country’s wounds and they have to be cleaned up with iodine” - Edgar Tekere ( ZANU PF stalwart)
Following Zimbabwe’s independence from British rule in 1980, political tension increased between two political groups in Zimbabwe, namely the ruling African National Union (ZANU), led by Robert Mugabe, and the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU), led by Joshua Nkomo. Violence unleashed on the Ndebele people by the Mugabe-led government was a direct result of government efforts to silence the voices of minority groups and growing political critique from ZAPU.
In January 1983, the ZANU PF government of Robert Mugabe, in the newly independent Zimbabwe, launched a massive security clampdown on the Ndebele. This was both politically and ethnically motivated. At the heart of the operation was a strategy of state-ordered terror. It was perpetrated by a 4,000-strong all-Shona Fifth Brigade of the Zimbabwean National Army led by Perrance Shiri.
"This day only gets darker with the actions of this unrepentant rogue regime in Harare. Their henchmen should not be granted easy access into the UK to witch-hunt perceived enemies of ZANU PF. Conversely, marked Zimbabweans should not be deported without wide consultation." ZAPU National Spokesperson
Genocide Petition Delivered
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- Written by: Jointly M S Nkomo, Chief Ndiweni and John Burke
- Hits: 193
Another great Thursday to deliver a petition to the Prime Minister!
We congregated on the 5th December 2024, outside the newly "secured" Zimbabwe Embassy - they have got some grim looking metal security gated fabrications at the side and front entrances - to make the Embassy even less friendly or appealing to the Zimbabwean Diaspora - security concerns or Guilt? - we have to ask why these new gates - {photo on Flickr - click to see for yourself SIDE DOOR - 429 CORNER DOOR }.
True to form the guilty inside locked their doors - simply as we were there. Indeed they sent out a CIO to sit in his new BMW X6 to "observe us" - so we took their photos too - again on our Flickr Album of the day. {CLICK HERE TO SEE THE DAYS PHOTO ALBUM} Please note that due to technical constraints, the videos recorded today will take some considerable time to be 'compressed' in order to be displayed upon our Flickr Platform - so expect videos to be appearing by the weekend please.
We took some more photos with our "Zanu PF Must Go" banner and by 13:30 we sidled off towards Trafalgar Square and onto Whitehall. by 13:45 we were arranged opposite Downing Street - under the gaze of "Monty" at his commemorative statue. By the time we have said our hellos to the new supporters opposite Downing Street it was time to present our band of 6 petitioners to the Diplomatic Police Unit in control of Downing Street. Ronald T Mutumbi, was due to be the Organiser of the 6 of us today - but had unexpected problems with travel on the day - such a pity.
So we 6 lined up at the solid security gates {making the Zimbabwean Embassy gates looking a little flimsy!} at the entrance to Downing Street. Our Police Diplomatic Unit Escort - was a friendly as any tourist guide - calling us in by our first names! As some may know within those gates we have to go through Air Port Quality X-Ray machines to check all our bags, mobile phones or any metal objects.
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