587 Days Illegally Detained Job Sikhala
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- Written by: Shamiso Moyo
- Hits: 838
My name is Shamiso Moyo. I am a mother of three children and a grandmother of two. I am a human rights activist and a politician in my own right.
I am a Zimbabwean by birth and descent. I have lived in the UK since 2015 and l am still a stateless law abiding person.
Zimbabwe was once upon a time a bread basket and jewel of Southern Africa. It was at some point an envy of many Africa countries. It had one of the best judiciary systems, police force and army and once upheld its constitution to the letter.
All this has gone down the drain and it has become a banana republic. There is no rule of law, there is captured judiciary, partisan army and police.
When Job Sikhala was harassed and taken to Chikurubi maximum prison on 14th June of 2022 my heart was broken. I thought it was going to be a few weeks or months given the circumstances surrounding his case then which was representing the family of the gruesome murder of Moreblessing Ali.
However alas, one and a half years {587 days or nearly 88 weeks} Job Sikhala is still on remand in the maximum security prison. This is painful as a woman, a mother, a wife, a sister and worse a child of Job. How all those relations of his are feeling. I keep asking myself whether a leader like ED {the squatting [self proclaimed] president} has a 'conscience' at all; this is just about his ego.
Zimbabwe no longer worry themselves about abiding to the constitution which should govern the country they worry about pleasing their masters.
Today (22nd January - see Photo-log HERE) was a very cold day and l braved the cold and rain and chose to be there for Job Sikhala and his family; my heart bleeds for a better Zimbabwe. Not for politics only but for Human Rights. I was there and l could not control my tears and l continue to seek justice for all prisoners of conscience.
Job Sikhala is a bona-fide citizen of Zimbabwe, a qualified lawyer and was an honorable Member of Parliament at the time. He is a father, a husband, a brother an uncle and someone else's son who is languishing in prison for nothing.
His offence is being a voice of the voiceless the down trodden. His offence is demanding justice for the gruesome murder of Moreblessing Ali and most importantly being a prisoner of conscience.
All these have caused him to be locked behind bars for 18 months without conviction. He has been denied bail and has been denied his family and friends. He is languishing in jail in iron legs for a crime they have failed to establish for 18 months and yet they cannot bail him. Job Sikhala has suffered the highest magnitude of injustice just because Ed Mnangagwa says so!
This is the reason l decided to go and plead on his behalf for the World to intervene. Job Sikhala is going for trial on 24 January 2024 again for a countless number of times can the captured judiciary of Zimbabwe for wants render this soul justice can they give him bail and let him go to his family. This abuse of power and authority must come to an end.
As a human rights activist and politician l always fear for my life Zimbabwe is not a safe place. Many people have been abducted and tortured and left for dead. Some have been murdered just for what they believe in. After the August 23 elections five people have been murdered for political reasons and the murderers are still roaming the streets free.
Zimbabwe needs to be made to realise that they must change and must respect the will of the people.
As l board the bus back from London to Coventry l could not stop to think about all the injustices people in Zimbabwe are suffering and l cannot see an end to all this in the near future. This is going to continue because Zanu PF wants to silence the voices of reason so that they continue to loot the resources of the country.
We will continue to speak we will continue to expose the madness of Zanu PF. Alluta continua
Strangely enough there were Zanu PF sympathisers present today who claimed to be "journalists" for Zimba Wave Media {see for yourself as there are several highly partisan articles from the discredited Dr{??} MASIMBA MAVAZA!} The chap who made some amazing claims about ZHRO's John Burke during the amazing COP26 Protests and demonstrations where the only headline Zanu PF made was about the "Booze Cruise" as featured on the TV Show "Have I Got News For You as seen on Twitter/X and See ZHRO Article Link HERE
""At Zimba Wave Media, we believe in the power of storytelling to inspire, entertain, and influence positive change"" It seems they are very much focused on the Story Telling side, and a bit scarce on the FACTS!
Petitions Delivered
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- Written by: John Burke, Chief Felix Ndiweni, Duke Maplanka, Model Pamire and Panyika Karimanzira plus others
- Hits: 1112
What a great day - despite the drizzle later, a very successful day was had by the wide ranging citizens groups that included Chief Felix Ndiweni, Duke Maplanka {ZAPU EU Chair} https://zapu.info/ Model Pamire {CCC UK Organising Secretary} https://ccc-diaspora.com/ Panyika Karimanzira {ROHR Spokesperson} https://rohr-zimbabwe.org/ and John Burke {ZHRO} https://zhro.org.uk/.
{And those in Pretoria Brian Muziringa {DMRNO Chair} https://dmrno.org And others ZIP, AIP and ZYA.}
The 40 plus Zimbabweans who braved the cold and wet were rewarded by the willingness of all that we visited to 'LISTEN' to the plight of normal {non-Zanu PF} citizens - and to question the propaganda based narrative emanating for those squatting in the Chinese Built Parliament - who are additionally disenfranchised the brave voting Zimbabwean Electorate! We have asked "Why is it that ZEC have still not given any NUMERICAL justification for the Soft Coup happening in Zimbabwe.
Today Zimbabweans arrived from all over the UK - Bolton, Huddersfield, Manchester, Peterlee, Leicester, Corby, Birmingham, Cardiff, Southampton, Milton Keynes, and elsewhere - this shows the level of commitment to make such a journey to a miserable Central London march.
In Birminghan, Shamiso had organised a "sit-in" to draw the attentions to the plight of the Zimbabwean electorate - which of course included those within the diaspora who are illegally/unconstitutionally not invited to vote. SADC themselves in their recommendations, puts the Diaspora vote "on the table" as it were. So we await the 'carpeting' of Mnangagwa in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, by the SADC Elders on the 18th December!
New contacts have been made, doors are beginning to be 'opened' and we have been invited back to discuss further the Zimbabwe crises - yes the multiple of crisis! Rishi Sunak even arranged a wonderful Christmas Tree to make our arrival more "festive" - see more photos on our Flickr Album - Click the link below.
The rigged election, the gerrymandering, the abductions, intimidation's, the torture and the MURDER too - the World has been watching and making note. The Criminal Zanu PF regime, "who are "squatters" within the White Elephant (the Chinese Built Parliament Building!), need to face the proverbial music. #ZanuPFMustGO
At present we have the Flickr Photo Log uploaded and ready to view right now CLICK HERE to VIEW
The full Petition as a PDF can be viewed or Downloaded CLICK HERE to LOOK
UN Says Investigate Masaya Murder
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- Written by: John C Burke
- Hits: 990
Geneva — Taken from a VOA article {duplicated as "News" by other media} which ignores all ZEC vote rigging, manipulation and mis-declarations. ZHRO and many others are Organising Protests. See Image.
The United Nations called Friday for an independent investigation after an opposition activist in Zimbabwe was found dead following his abduction ahead of controversial by-elections {our italics - how about illegal due to fake recalls?}. The body of Tapfumanei Masaya, a pastor and an activist with the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), was discovered Monday, 30 kilometers (18 miles) outside Harare, the UN rights office said. He and fellow activist Jeffrey Kalosi had been snatched by armed men in broad daylight two days earlier while campaigning in the Zimbabwean capital for a CCC candidate.
"Both were reportedly tortured," UN rights office spokeswoman Liz Throssell said, adding that Kalosi had been released in the same area where Masaya's body turned up. See ZHRO Statement on the Tapfumanei Masaya Abduction, TORTURE and Murder
The killing follows a string of reported abductions, arrests and other violent acts that the CCC says {it is a campaign of intimidation that the evidence is showing} are part of a campaign of intimidation against its supporters following disputed general elections last August. Throssell noted that Zimbabwean authorities had said Masaya's killing was being investigated. {as unlikely as that is going to happen}
"We urge them to ensure there are thorough, prompt and independent investigations not only into his death but also into all allegations of people being tortured and kidnapped," she said.
"Perpetrators should be held accountable in fair trials that follow due process."
SADC Turns The Screw On Zimbabwe
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- Written by: Africa Beautiful Or Ruined?
- Hits: 646
By Our Correspondent in GABORONE, BOTSWANA
IT'S now not raining for President Emmerson Mnangagwa and his ZANU PF Government, it's now pouring.
SADC has shifted a gear up taking President Mnangagwa completely by surprise.
In a stroke of luck this Correspondent got face to face with a SADC official in a meeting arranged by one of our veteran sources within SADC. We will not name the lanky bearded SADC official also light in complexion. He requested not to be named which indicates how delicate this ZIMBABWE issue is in SADC circles.
He starts on November 17. This is the date the SADC Panel of Leaders were scheduled to touch down in Zimbabwe for a meeting with President Emmerson Mnangagwa and the Citizens Coalition for Change Leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa. The SADC Panel of Elders on November 17 informed President Emmerson Mnangagwa that they were extremely worried about the ZIMBABWE political impasse and believed it needed to be urgently addressed. On Monday November 20 President Emmerson Mnangagwa gave the SADC Panel of Elders November 24 as the date he was ready to meet them and the President had chosen the meeting to take place in Victoria Falls , ZIMBABWE.
But the SADC Panel of Elders informed President Emmerson Mnangagwa that they are no longer coming to ZIMBABWE to meet him. In fact President Emmerson Mnangagwa will now have to come to them in DAR ES LAAM, TANZANIA at a date when he was ready to meet them. This has taken President Mnangagwa completely by surprise. But if that surprised him , the next SADC move perplexed him. SADC will soon announce the removal of the SADC Anti-Sanctions on Zimbabwe Day , October 25 , from their Calendar.
The SADC Secretariat will send an official Communique on this new development to HARARE in the next two weeks through the SADC ORGAN on Politics Defence and Security Cooperation the SADC TROIKA. The SADC official said by removing the SADC Anti-Sanctions on Zimbabwe Day from the SADC Calendar it simply means SADC is now on the same page with the likes of the European Union - EU on the notion that there are serious Human rights abuses in Zimbabwe perpetrated by the ZIMBABWE Government itself and Sanctions imposed on ZIMBABWE are just.
In an attempt to verify we asked the SADC official a question and he replied:
" We do follow your publication. If SADC disagrees with this the SADC Secretariat will do what the former Zimbabwe Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara did to one of your two stories on him. He refuted one of those two stories didn't he? ", he assured us.
Top Political Scientists say this development by SADC means just one thing. President Emmerson Mnangagwa now knows the position of SADC on ZIMBABWE that he is not recognized as the legitimate President of Zimbabwe.
Back home even those few within his Government who believed in him will now begin withdrawing their support. The ZIMBABWE DEFENCE Forces, the Army , who carried out a Coup that brought President Emmerson Mnangagwa after they removed former President Robert Mugabe have been SERIOUSLY comparing what they used to get under Mugabe to what they are getting today under Mnangagwa.
The difference is astonishing to them as they have now sunk further into poverty. They found what the CCC Leader Advocate Nelson Chamisa is always saying about the conditions a ZIMBABWEAN Soldier should be living in so appetizing. The next two weeks will be trying times for President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Christmas is very far , top Political Scientists say.
Source: Africa Beautiful of Ruined?
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